DogSled Productions
Through our partnershiips DogSled has theatrical and streming distribution along with physical and digital distribution. We have distributoring partnerships with leading companies such as Universal Music Canada Distribution, FYE, Baker & Taylor, Hastings, Super D, Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Target, Sears, Kmart, Alliance Entertainment Corporation.
On our digital platform we work directly with major platforms (such as iTunes, Spotify, Hulu, Netflix, Google, Amazon.com, InDemand) and great independent platforms (Bigstar.tv, Fandor, IndieFlix, Codeblack, BigStar, Playster, Comic-con, Crunchyroll, Dove Channel, Fandor, FlixFling, Food Matters, Grindhouse, Kanopy, Hoopla, Night Flight, Overdrive, PopcornFlix, Sidetick, Snagfilms, Sundance, ShudderTV, TUBI TV, Vevo, Crackle, Hoopla, Qello, SnagFilms, Indie Flix, MusicFilmWeb, RedBox, Library Ideas, Vimeo, Havoc TV) and hundreds more.
Theatrical Distribution US theaters: AMC, Regal, Cinemark, Landmark, Laemmle, etc.
Customer relationship management services consist of Single point of contact, Negotiating contractual terms and conditions, SKU set-up and life cycle management, Data integrity, Inventory management, Purchase order processing and acknowledgement, Shipment tracking and delivery confirmation, Payables processing and resolution of invoice/ shipping discrepancies, Returns processing, Marketing and Advertising Services. DogSled has built strong relationships with specialized on demand manufacturers, publishers and other media providers. In the end DogSled provides its clients with customer relationship management, product and inventory management, and sales and marketing support.